
Part two in a three part series, Kursid Kids Winter Turns rejoins the Kursid family as they struggle to survive in a culture where the haves have everything, and the have-nots remain at their mercy. In book one, Kursid Kids for the Love of Pearl, the family found security and happiness when an indentured scientist and his sidekick robot genetically alter an ordinary cat to make people's dreams come true. The cat escapes the lab, with the help of said scientist duo, and finds his way to the Kursid's hideout in the woods. The entire book builds to a crescendo when - with the help of their new pet - Pearl thwarts the efforts of their evil overlord. Book one ends with a painful cliffhanger.


Kursid Kids Winter Turns picks up at that climactic point and carries the family, the scientist and his robot sidekick and a few new friends through amazing new adventures, as the super powers bestowed on them by the cat continue to grow.


Who knew all it would take to cure family homelessness was a little magic cat? Ronan Russell did. That's why he and his grandma conjured up this suspenseful tale of good and evil.

Available now from Whistlestop Bookshop

This book weaves an elaborate science fantasy through a fabric of injustice. You will fall in love with the characters - most of them. You will ponder the same question Ronan asked in the car that dark night as he thought about his housing-insecure classmates, "Who will make things right in a world where so much is wrong?"